Order Info

Order Information

Once you have logged into the DAREcatalog.com Officer's Catalog, follow these easy steps to place an order:

1. Find an item in the catalog.

2. Select the size and quantity of the item.

3. When you have selected the size and quantity of an item, click the "Add to cart" button.

4. Once the item has been added, you will see a screen showing you the contents of your cart. From this screen you can change the quantity of items in your cart, remove items from the cart, or checkout.

5. When you are through shopping, click the "checkout" button. The next screen is where you enter your billing information. Most of the information will be filled out for you, but you should check to make sure that everything is correct. When you are finished, click "Continue"

6. If your shipping information is different than your billing information, be sure to check the appropriate button and you will be asked for the shipping info in the next section.

7. The next screen will ask you to select a payment method, as well as enter details for the option you select. Click continue to review your order. 

8. Pre-payment is required for all individual orders, either by US or Canadian credit card, or by cashiers check or money orders in USD. 

Send checks or money orders to:

Creative Product Sourcing
3402 Pico Blvd, Suite 278
Santa Monica, CA 90405
FAX: 949-348-2690

9. Approved agencies and schools may elect to receive an invoice.  If using a purchase order, please make sure the PO number is entered in the box provided in the shopping cart.

10. Review your order to ensure that all of your info is entered correctly. Click continue to complete your order.

11.  A confirmation email will be sent to the email address you provided.

U.S. Shipping & Handling
Minimum shipping and handling charge is $14.00.
Workbook Shipping is a flat $25.00 per case.

Please review the following ordering points, so that we may provide the service that reflects our commitment to you:

Terms are net 30. Freight is pre-paid and added to your invoice.

All return items must be returned within 30 days and have a Return Authorization Number before acceptance.

Most items are in stock, please allow 2-3 weeks for delivery.

Shipment errors must be reported within 72 hours of receipt of shipment.

Merchandise must be ordered as packaged.

All our products are guaranteed.

Medium and large T-shirts are recommended for 5th and 6th graders.

All wearables are adult sizes.

When ordering small sizes, please allow for a small amount of shrinkage.


Privacy Policy: We are committed to your privacy! We know that your privacy is important and we are committed to protecting your privacy while you visit our website. We do not sell, rent, exchange or distribute your name, e-mail address or any other information to any third party. To process your order, we have to have your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and credit card information. This information is used solely to process your order and for no other purpose. Your bank receives your credit card information for processing and the shipper receives your name and address only. Your e-mail address and phone number are used in case we have a question about your order. Your e-mail address is also used to notify you that your order is on its way. We do not use your personal information in any other way.